Climate Capital Mutual
Today we face a global trilemma:
accelerating climate change impacts, with economic costs in the trillions of dollars
economic instability due to excess debt, leverage and unsustainably inflated asset values
mounting geopolitical conflict both at national and international levels
SOLUTION = Analyse + Save + Invest
▪ Analysis: composite econometric, stochastic and AI
▪ Savings: in energy, energy costs, emissions
▪ Investment: greater climate investment, enhanced financial returns, reduced risk
and achieve results specifically designed to be negatively correlated to traditional assets exposed to macroeconomic, geopolitical and environmental risks
DELIVERY = ▪ increased climate action ▪ enhanced profit ▪ sustainable business
▪ Cleantech through Fintech
▪ where sustainability meets opportunity
▪ advanced price forecasting and risk management tools, enable Users to complete more efficient transactions with greater value.

ANALYSE - understand and plan
SAVE - save energy and money
INVEST - invest in solutions
Anyone, public or private, producer or consumer, buyer or seller, can :
▪ obtain information
▪ reach new markets
▪ contact suppliers or customers
▪ safely trade with one another online
▪ education services, training and knowledge transfer relating to climate change
▪ curated data services and data analytics relating to energy and the environment
▪ private consented blockchain enabling access to market data and analytics
▪ energy and emissions audits
▪ advisory services on energy and the environment
▪ procurement and project development services
independent ▪ online trading platform ▪ mutual society ▪ democratic governance ▪ registered with financial regulator ▪ interest on shares ▪ dividends based upon usage ▪ withdrawable capital ▪ forecasting algorithms ▪ project development support ▪ education ▪ career opportunities
Your partnership with Climate Capital

Free Introductory Climate Change Courses:
▪ Science
▪ Economics
▪ Finance
Free Financial Simulators:
▪ Electric Vehicles
▪ Solar PV
▪ Buildings Upgrades
Carbon Emissions Permits Trade Timing Optimiser - Demo Version
Advisory :
▪ Climate Change Courses
▪ Technology Advisory and Transfer
▪ Legal
▪ Strategic Planning - Energy and Environment
Projects :
▪ Feasibility Modelling and Risk Assessment
▪ Technical Procurement
▪ Project Finance and Investment
Trading :
▪ Carbon Volumes forecasts
▪ Carbon Price forecasts
Open Membership
Interest on Shares
Dividends on Use of Platform
Withdrawable Shares
Democratic Governance
Career and Executive Opportunities